When searching images of mudfossils and strange rock formations i came across this image. I’m wondering what this is and where this image was made. Across the internet i found no information or other images like this. What is this mysterious image?
Is it a tiny house? How old is it and where was it used for? – Who has information about this?
What is it?
So who can help to get to know more about this? If you know more: please send me a comment or personal message.
Updates on: What is this mysterious image?
Update: after looking on the website arkijunior.wordpress.com I found that the image is probably made in Peru.
Second update: after a comment i know it is called the ”Maquetas de Auquimarca” And it must be near the town of Carhuapata, District of Jacas Grande.
After searching on Google maps i did not find the exact location, but in the area is some archaeology done on the Incas.
I also found a facebook group that shared some information and images. They also added a description on how you can find the structure:
Translation of Facebook post: It is located in the town of Auqui, population center of Carhuapata, in the district of Jacas Grande, is characterized by presenting an architectural structure, which shows small architectural representations as models, in which well-structured houses are configured, and are made of stone and clay mortar. It is accessed from the city of Huánuco following the Huánuco – La Unión road, to Tingo Chico, then take the detour to Tantamayo to the town of León Pampa, and then take the detour to Jacas Grande and the town of Auqui, in an approximate time of 5 hours.
To conclude this site is a real archaeological place in Peru linked to the Incas. But what the function of it was is to me still unknown. If someone knows more i would like to know.
-Mediocre monday
The name of this structure is “Maquetas de Auquimarca”. Maybe they are pre-Inca altars. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=105869094437649&story_fbid=165704838454074
Hello, I’ve done lots of research on this subject in Ecuador, Peru and Chile, and I can tell you this is typical of a student project made in southern Peru. You can see that in this area and in northern Bolivia, its standard practice to reinforce dig sites with mud brick walls (as seen at the Akapana Pyramid, Tiwanaku).
This is an example of that; where flat plates and blocks from an ancient site were used, with mud, to creatively reconstruct the walls of this recently excavated dig site.
I got curious to find out whatsoever regarding these images. But then I looked at the right lower corner and there is a box written ARKI Junior. Then I found this site – https://arkijunior.wordpress.com/page/4/. This is something from some latin country, the lady looks like indian/inca/ etc.as well, and I think this is something about architecture, maybe similar to lego but in a different way, so to say. You may check the site and get an answer.
Thanks for your comment Nadeja! I also looked for Arki junior before and it has to do with architecture, but the website does not give answers about the image. I think this image just was used to promote architecture, but it does not seem that they have made this structure themselves. I think you’re right that it is in a Latin country.