Vegans should kill all animals if they want to prevent animals from being killed. There are many animals that are called ”herbivore” and ”vegan”, but they are not so vegan as you might think. Every animal i can think of eats other animals or stuff (like milk) that comes from other animals. Even animal symbols for vegans like horses, elephants and gorillas do sometimes eat other animals as seen in this video. A lot of those do not hunt, but are opportunistic. If they are hunters or opportunistic: it can never be said that they are vegan.
Bambi eats from a carcass if possible.
Gorilla’s do not live on plants only.
A hippopotamus likes beef.
Conclusion: Vegans are Hippocrites 😉
Next: watch this video to lose your misunderstanding about what animals eat. There are no animals that are just herbivore, all eat other animals and stuff from animal origin.
The video is called ”Vegans Should Kill All Animals!” because if vegans want to prevent harm being done to animals, the animals that kill other animals should not exist. Therefore they should kill them all – which makes them hypocrites that do not care about nature!
Of course I will not support these ideas that are against nature. Vegans may look like they do care about nature, but i have never seen any group of people that have such a unnatural diet. Their diet also comes with very unnatural supplements and with all of this many of them suffer with all kinds of symptoms from lack of sufficient vitamins, protein and other nutrients.
Video and post made by: Mediocremonday