In a previous post i wrote about the fact that Worldtruthvideos was down many times. Here i described the news around the attacks on the website. But there is news: There is a new website online! I think is very bad that certain websites like worldtruthvideos are attacked for displaying the truth on certain subjects or by having other opinions than most people have. This is why i want to share this new link to the website with you. The new website is called Beside this i added the link to my list of truth resources. To directly go to the new video website of world truth videos:
truthpodium website
First impression of
The website is for the most part the same as the earlier version of world truth videos. It also says ”WT video” in the right corner as it was earlier. The options to navigate trough the videos is also the same as it used to be. Maybe the appearance will be changed in time, because the name also changed. The old videos are not online anymore, but many videos have already been added and more are uploaded every day. One thing i noticed is that the new website of Truthpodium loads faster than ever. The video i tested almost loads instantly. This was not the case before because of the attacks on the website. This also was the biggest issue in general before the website wan unreachable. So this is a great improvement!
This is how the home page looks like.
We are very happy to see that attacks on freedom of speech did not win and that the makers of the website made it available again. Hopefully it is better protected from malicious attacks in the future. Beside this we hope that many people that used to visit the website may find it again.