Nothing here is speculation. I will just present the facts and evidence, and you can form your own conclusions. Bill Gates, along with Robert Langer of MIT, have developed a human implantable quantum dot tattoo micro-needle vaccination delivery system (Luciferase quantum dot tattoos), which will also double as proof of vaccination.
Firstly, we have the never-tested on humans mRNA based COVID-19 vaccination that he wants to give every person on earth.
Then there will be quantum dot micro-needles, a digital identification mark, in the form of a dye under the skin, a sort of tattoo that can be detected with special light and/or scanners.
The ink or dye required is called Luciferase.
“Things won’t get back to normal until we have gotten a vaccine out to the entire world” – Bill Gates
And lastly, either a implantable microchip, or more likely; the same type of nanoparticles used as a delivery system of mRNA vaccines will act as transmitters once inside the body, transmitting every detail about you in real time, including exactly what you are doing, and you will be rewarded with a centralized cryptocurrency for performing approved tasks. Of course you may also be penalized as well, if you do something to displease Gates.
This is all detailed in a patent filing, numbered; WO2020060606.
After this i explain more:
Gates of Hell
Firstly, it’s well known that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have wanted to vaccinate the entire planet for some time now, and who has publicly stated his interest in “reducing population growth” by 10-15%, by means of vaccination.
Gates, UNICEF and WHO have been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing 500,000 Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines [1], and vaccinating a tribal village of 30,000 young women in India aged between 9-14 with an experimental HPV vaccine, causing deaths [2], as well as giving some 500,000 children in India again, polio, via his oral polio vaccine (OPV) [3], or that time Gates’ DTP vaccine that killed 10x more African girls than the disease itself [4], and so on.
mRNA vaccines to be used
Next is the type of vaccine. It’s already been confirmed the mRNA based vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, & other companies will be distributed in the West. mRNA technology delivers ‘coding’ to your DNA, turning you into a ‘Living Foundry‘ of vaccines. It has never been deemed safe enough to use in humans. Until it was rushed through, skipping animal trials in 2020.
*CHI; What is Pfizer’s BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine?
Luciferase quantum dot tattoos
Next is the Certificate of Vaccination I.D., or ‘Quantum Dot Tattoos’, developed by Bill Gates and Robert Langer, of MIT.
It’s worth noting that Bob Langer, one of the founders of bitoech company Moderna, became a billionaire this year when the announcement of Moderna’s phase I trials sent the stock soaring 30% on top of recent gains. Moderna are also producing an mRNA-based vaccine included in ‘Operation Warpspeed’, called mRNA-1273.

Quantum Dot Tattoos are minuscule quantum dots – tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light – that glows under infrared light. The pattern – and vaccine – gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable micro-needles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar. Using polycarbonate or silicon millimetre-long microneedles, the smart patch can penetrate the skin to administer a vaccine.
As of 06/Jan. 2021, Scientists at Wales’ Swansea University have developed a plan to create a “smart patch” that would administer the COVID-19 vaccine while also monitoring its efficacy (and God knows what else). According to the research team, the patch will use microneedles to both administer the coronavirus vaccine and monitor its efficacy for the patient by tracking the body’s immune response.

Luciferase quantum dot tattoos explained
Luciferase is a very unique enzyme, derived from fireflies.
It’s a ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme‘ which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app or infra-red light.
Luciferase will make the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and functions as a mark.
Below are different test photos of Luciferase;
As for the column on the left, well it came with the pic, however, presuming the math is correct, it’s a little ominous, but at the same time, classic Billy Gates.
And that’s the Luciferase in Gates’ Human Implantable Quantum Dot Micro-needle Vaccination Delivery (Luciferase quantum dot tattoos).
Patent #WO2020060606 and Luciferase quantum dot tattoos
—World Order 2020 060606

Firstly, yes it is a real patent number, filed on 5/July 2019, granted 18/April, 2020.
Why such an obvious, and frankly repugnant to many, patent number? That I can’t explain, but anyone familiar with machinations of the likes of Gates will know they do seem to have a penchant for symbology, and rubbing the people’s noses in it.
[Full patent application and description – PDF]
According to the patent description it works likes this; a transmitter in or on your body transmits to a device, such as your mobile smart phone. The patent does not detail exactly how data is transmitted from the body to device. It may be an implantable chip, as proposed by the organisation ID2020. However, nano-particles have recently been made to act as transmitters; Dr Charles Lieber, who was arrested recently for working for the Chinese Communist Party as well as Harvard U, is a leading expert in meshing electronics, nano-particles and human tissue.
The Thereagripper
The transmitters are most likely to be nano-particles, such a the ‘theragripper‘ as they can’t be removed from the body, same a chip can. Then human body activity, which may include thoughts, feelings, and real-time data-collection, is used to ‘mine’ a crypto currency. ‘Mining’ in cryptocurrency terms means the electronic ‘discovery’ of new crypto by solving complex algorithms, and the energy required to solve these complex mathematical equations can be generated by human movement. Activity is then rewarded with crypto currency (UBI?).
[0005] Some exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may use human body activity associated with a task provided to a user as a solution to“mining” challenges in cryptocurrency systems. For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information or service provider, such as viewing advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process. Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously. Accordingly, certain exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may reduce computational energy for the mining process as well as make the mining process faster.
The data is then uploaded from your device to cloud storage.
The ramifications of being hardwired into a system of a centralized digital currency that can can be awarded for approved behavior, and deducted, or even switched off if the individual engages in any sort of unapproved actions is terrifying. Of course, you will be unable to buy or sell (the crypto) without the mark. Where have we heard that before? [13:17]
The ID2020 Alliance and Luciferase quantum dot tattoos

If the transmitter were to be an implanted RFID device, it would most probably come from ‘The ID2020 Alliance‘, which Microsoft also fund.
The United Nations’ WHO is also part of ID2020, and are helping to scare the world and make people feel unsafe, all the while stating that we can’t return to normal until everyone has been vaccinated.
I’m not interested in conspiracy theories, but I am interested in conspiracy fact, and this is in the open. The is an agenda to destroy the world economy and make people feel unsafe, to condition them that they have to be certified, and then and only then will they be safe to return to the workforce, or get on a plane. Or do anything really.
Bill also states that; 700,000 People Will Be Harmed Or Killed By Coronavirus Vaccines.
The cost of doing business I guess.
At first we’ll see how mRNA via injection goes, but at some point there will need to be some sort of proof of vaccination, and logic dictates that it will be Quantum Dot Tattoos.
What if the government said that if you agreed to take the vaccine and received the ‘ID2020’ digital immunity passport, all debt of any kind would be forgiven in exchange for property rights?
By 2030 you will own nothing and you’ll be happy.
Welcome to the population control & global communism 3.0.
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health;
EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’ – LifeSite News, April, 2021. [written interview]
Michael Yeadon Interview – Former Pfizer VP Speaks Out On Dangers Of mRNA Vaccines & COVID Illusion – The Last American Vagabond, April, 2021.
Bill Gates And Intellectual Ventures Funds Microneedle Vaccine Technology That Injects Luciferase Ink, Marking Vaccinated People – Humans Are Free, May, 2020. [Article]
Source of this article:
A poem I wrote last century in the eighties mentions fireflies being part of the Devil’s work.
“Out in the wilds on a blackclock night, when fireflies comet the sky,
hedges ignite in glowworm light, as the Devil’s beast goes by.
A dusty ghost, translucent, slips through the wings of a muslin moth,
sedge in the breeze bends with lissome ease white crowns of frog-hopper froth,
and dimly lit, like the hoary spit of the sprightly spittle-bug,
the trail of a snail makes a shining cross with the silver slime of a slug.
There at the hub where the cross-paths meet
a flesh-fat grub feels the scorching heat
of Beelzebub’s six cloven feet –
the Devil’s Coach Horse rides at night, the Devil’s Coach Horse rides.”
There are another three verses. It was written at a time when I could not see what the future had in store and is full of imagery from Revelation (but no locusts and scorpions) and mythology. It seems somewhat eerie now.