The absence of shame has furthered degradation of an entire generation, and helped usher in the deadliest of sins. Shame is important, it is a measure, and part of our conscience. When there’s a line that we have crossed, shame is what warns us that we crossed it: this is the importance of shame. It corrects this downward spiral our society is in. Perhaps it is time we reclaim our conscience, to shame and be shamed once again.
I’m telling you, people have taken this divide and conquer thing so far that they’re out playing games with their child’s groomers. Unity is not and never will be my objective. My objective is to rid the world of evil. And you don’t accomplish that by finding neutral ground with the devil.
If simple, indisputable truths are enough to divide us, then division is not only acceptable, it’s necessary for our survival.
We have an intelligent creator who’s one step ahead of you. He knew human beings had the potential for a morality malfunction, so he installed software right into the system to keep our behavior in check. That behavioral regulator is a little thing called: shame. This is the simple guide to understanding shame.
What shame does
Shame is the emotion we feel when we behave in a manner that contradicts natural law. Its purpose is to encourage and maintain social norms. Shame is the reason a pro abortionist rages when you show them a picture of a ten week old fetus. It’s the same reason a free loader jumps down your throat when you discuss the importance of diligence.
Next time you see a brand new mother, walk up to her and whisper, ”breast is best”. Nine times out of ten, she’ll separate your head from your shoulders, bringing a whole new meaning to the word division.
Shame is simply your conscience encouraging you to do the right thing. Without it, our society is free to collapse into the pits of hell. And our enemies are well aware of this.
Everything gets bastardized and flipped on its head, and in this case, dressed up in drag. They shame you for everything, right down to your human nature, while simultaneously demanding you to tolerate the unnatural. All in the name of unity and that tolerance and fear of division is the Trojan horse that ushers in the deadliest of sins.
Imagine a society where we honored the giver instead of the consumer. A society where we didn’t have to debate abortion laws, because our sons and daughters valued their bodies. Imagine celebrating a week of humility instead of a week of pride.
People will blame poverty or oppression or privilege for the state of the world. But the average poor man has more today than they’ve ever had in history. Poor used to mean no electricity and no running water. Poor today means only one television in home and an outdated iPhone.
What the importance of shame is
Violence and deviant behavior are on the rise, because we’re justifying and encouraging abhorrent behavior. So if you want to win this game, you must first understand the rules. Your enemies are winning via a landslide because they understand the art of war.
Decent people who value tradition are still the overwhelming majority. So while that remains true, all you have to do is tell the truth. Defend that truth, and stop treating shame like it’s a design flaw. Shame has a big importance in this, because it can be used to maintain good social norms.
The spirit of the times plays with these techniques to distance man from God, lgbt is a prime example, they use the word PRIDE to advertise themselves, thus doing the opposite of the teachings that give the word pride a clear meaning: Psalm 9.23 the wretched succumbs to the org. of the wicked
Psalm 59.13 fall into the snare of pride
prov 16,18 pride precedes the fall
prov 29,23 the org. of man causes humiliation
Isaiah 2.17 the org. of man will be brought down
Isa 13,11 I will humble the pride of tyrants
Ezekiel 7, 10 from injustice pride sprouts
Ezekiel 30,6 Egypt will be overthrown because of its pride.
Coloss 2.18 the vain pride of the mind
1 timothy 6.4 blinded by the org. he doesn’t understand anything .
And many other verses that clearly explain that the first sin of satan was precisely pride – Saying you are proud GAY is a double blasphemy. they also fake the rainbow as their flag (God’s covenant with man)
Hey Alex,
Thanks for your comment! Indeed the Bible makes clear that pride is bad and that pride precedes the fall.
The people that promote being prideful of sin have no shame, but they should know some more about humiliation and the importance of shame.
It is true that they turned the rainbow into a symbol of pride and sodomy, but that is what they do with all that is good.
Keep defending the truth and the things that are good. Stay close to Jesus.
I wish you the best.