January 20, 2025

Flat Earth Quotes George Orwell

‘’Against the Oval Earth man, the first card I can play is the analogy of the sun and moon. The Oval Earth man promptly answers that I don’t know, by my own observation, that those bodies are spherical. I only know that they are round, and they may perfectly well be flat discs. I have no answer to that one. Besides, he goes on, what reason have I for thinking that the earth must be the same shape as the sun and moon? I can’t answer that one either.’’  ~ George Orwell

”If the Oval Earth man answers—what I believe is true—that the ancient Egyptians, who thought the sun goes round the earth, could also predict eclipses, then bang goes my ace.  I have only one card left: navigation.  People can sail ships round the world, and reach the places they aim at, by calculations which assume that the earth is spherical.  I believe that finishes the Oval Earth man, though even then he may possibly have some kind of counter. It will be seen that my reasons for thinking that the earth is round are rather precarious ones.  Yet this is an exceptionally elementary piece of information.  On most other questions I should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test his pronouncements.  And much the greater part of our knowledge is at this level.  It does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority.  And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramous as soon as he strays away from his own speciality?  Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above.  They would start off by saying that ‘everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry.  In a way Shaw is right.  This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible.”~George Orwell (Tribune, 27 December 1946)

‘’It will be seen that my reasons for thinking that the earth is round are rather precarious ones. Yet this is an exceptionally elementary piece of information. On most other questions I should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test his pronouncements. And much the greater part of our knowledge is at this level. It does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority. And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramous as soon as he strays away from his own specialty? Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that ‘everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. … This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible.’’  ~ George Orwell

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