Every day it’s harder to distinguish the fake real news from the real fake news. So what do we do? How do you fight the bully who bully you by flipping around and making you the bully.
Among our own citizenry. Are you a bully? And are you impressing others because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity or worse? Are you one of these online bullies who are ruining the lives of innocent people by spreading these despicable conspiracy theories?
The more we stand and watch things developing at such a rapid pace, the harder it is for me to deny that Orwell’s concept of Newspeak the establishments control over the thought processes of the citizenry, through control of the language itself. It is indeed being accomplished right before our eyes through the Twitterization of the brains of the upcoming generations.
In the name of expediency people succumbs to a mentality where by their increasingly incapable of complex thought nuanced dialogue true critical thinking instead of reading articles anymore: they read headlines. Headlines are summarized into simple concepts represented by a single term operation hashtag. Brainwashing is in full swing. This is the real time real world application of Newspeak.
A month ago the term fake news was merely a combination of two words in the English language, which simply carried their own intrinsic definitions to be elaborated upon by whatever the broader linguistic context in which they might be found. But today they’re a word-weapon for propaganda. A single hashtag term endowed with a heavy dose of doublethink. With the ultimate aim of curbing something called free speech. Another term which once upon a time seemed to hold a much greater degree of sacredness within our society that it seems to today.
‘’But today they’re a word-weapon for propaganda’’
But really if you don’t see that this newest projectile in the hashtag Newspeak Arsenal isn’t being deployed in a blitzkrieg fashion. Not only have we now see the blatant false flag shooter going into comet ping pong on Sunday. In combination with the whole script continuing the entire censorship agenda against online conspiracy bullying but it’s popping up everywhere!
What seemed to me like a very bizarre piece the New York Times wrote this article about a recent tragedy involving cheerleaders in a car crash. In the tiny town of Iraan. Even the spelling and pronunciation is weird I admit. But the weirdest part is that the New York Times reporter who wrote this story was already in the small town. A week before to do a piece on the undefeated high school football team.
The strange story:
He starts off his story talking about how almost a year ago the town was the center of a so-called viral fake news story and was the center of this conspiracy theory. About how the whole town was actually fake and just a cover for some secret underground installation. So cheerleaders are dead from a car crash. But he feels the need to begin his article talking about a fake news story in a connection to the town from almost a year ago. And mentioning it several times throughout the article. On top of that the article is very lengthy and gives an uncommon amount of detail about the crash and the victims. You definitely just got to go check it out: ”A Stirring Victory for a Texas High School”
It’s the whole thing is just very strange and obviously it’s hard not to conclude that whether that really happened or whether it was all made up. Either way they’re not wasting the opportunity to push the whole fake news thing again.
‘’Every day it’s harder to distinguish the fake real news from the real fake news’’
Every day it’s harder to distinguish the fake real news from the real fake news. So what do we do? How do you fight the bully who bully you by flipping around and making you the bully. Simply because you object to monopolized media, you object to oligarchy and object to lies and corruption and know difference between right and evil. well I’d say that you stop and remember that the real enemy the real adversary is twofold death and the devil and both have already been defeated. Both have already been faced and dealt with Jesus already destroyed the only oppressor that truly had any eternal significance. That war is already won.
The only question is really about whether you’re fighting the right fight!
Every day it’s harder to distinguish the fake real news from the real fake news. So what do we do? How do you fight the bully who bully you by flipping around and making you the bully. Simply because you object to monopolized media, you object to oligarchy and object to lies and corruption and know difference between right and evil. well I’d say that you stop and remember that the real enemy the real adversary is twofold death and the devil and both have already been defeated. Both have already been faced and dealt with Jesus already destroyed the only oppressor that truly had any eternal significance. That war is already won.
The only question is really about whether you’re fighting the right fight!