It is interesting to see that most people never ask any questions. Like today- i was talking with colleagues about quite usual things like the weather. Than someone said the following thing he heard on the news: ”In 50 years there won’t be enough to feed everyone, so you should avoid eating meat”.
I can’t believe that someone actually copies the retarded articles and dumb ”news” that is being presented to us. You don’t need two and a half brain to figure out that famine is always caused trough the actions of humans one way or another. War is the most common cause. Famine will never be caused because it is not possible to produce enough. If it is caused by a natural cause like storms and drought (which can occur through natural climate changes) it is still by mismanagement of humans that there is not enough to eat in certain areas. The main point of this is that we should not starve ourselves by abstaining ourselves from certain foods. Beside this we should not waste our energy on ”saving te planet” by ”fighting climate change”. It is a waste of energy because the climate is not a direct cause of people having no access to food. If you want to fight famine, you should do something to make it possible that people can get enough food. One thing is to not fight natural things (natural climate fluctuations) but to help people.
”You don’t need two and a half brain to figure out that famine is always caused trough the actions of humans one way or another.”
One of the biggest problems with this is that we are being reigned by people who do not want the best for people, they only serve themselves and use famine as a weapon. War is no problem to achieve their goals and we are manipulated every day by the media – who serves the interests of the enemy.
At the end we have rulers who use chaos to serve their interests, the media who points to a unworkable ”solution” and the masses don’t have a clue what is going on.
By knowingly choosing to ignore the things that are happening people knowingly choose to serve the enemy. – use your common sense and don’t be that idiot that says ”i did not know”.
Welcome to reality!
By Mediocremonday