This plan for the complete and thorough takeover of all lands, personal property, and enslave the people in habital zones, some of which will be factory cities, where you live, eat sleep and work for the dictatorship corporate government. There will be no ownership of personal vehicles, land, homes, or the ability to move freely to where ever you choose. This is the United Nations Agenda 21, Agenda 20/30 aka sustainable development. Our children will belong to the State/corporations, the education they receive will be false doctrine, the population will be controlled by numbers not to exceed a certain number of people.
This is the Global Government where a select few will be perched in their Ivory Towers, unseen, untouchable calling the shots. Any resistance, rebels will be eliminated, capital punishment will be how they deal with any resistance using guillotines. They have done studies and found the Guillotine to be the most humane way to assassinate people. FEMA camp will be used for determination of skill, education, race and then placed accordingly like cattle. If you are mechanically inclined you will be used in one way, if you are an academic you will be used in another way, if you are dumb as a sack of hammers I don’t know what you’ll be used for but odds are it won’t be good.
Its a sick evil plan that has been in the works for decades and goes back to the 1700’d when Free Masons, and the Illuminati devised a plan for the three major world wars and the enslavement of the Global population. It might seem to far fetched to believe, but believe me its very true and you should research it if you are a skeptic. Many have tried to bring this out in the open and have been called conspiracy theory buffs etc to discredit them. Rosa Koire is perhaps the most informed person on the subject, and had done a host of lectures on the subject, other include Lord Monckton, Allan Watt and many many more. This is happening. We see how they have reclaimed land under the guise of protected area’s, parks, no go zones. The lay out of the NWO cities , towns, villages will be scattered with vast distances between them so people cannot organize a revolt, they will be policed by a military global police force, and likely everyone will be micro chipped to know our where about at all times.
All these wars are geared toward bringing down down our societies, civilization so they can usher in the global government once the wars inside our countries devastates society. They are using the Islamic Muslims to bring as much civil unrest, racism, and radicalism inside out countries. The ongoing conflict In the East is to keep us preoccupied, keep us in fear which goes toward us not being able to join ranks and overthrow the establishment behind this scheme. They have all but destroyed the UK with the Immigration problems, and keep the war zone making more and more refugee’s to migrate and bring their warped ideology to our nations. Before disregarding this information, do a study and you will soon see all that I’ve said is true and happening right now.